Fall 2014

Fall 2014

Fall 2014 October 21, 2014 Uncategorized This content is only available in English, please switch the language to be able to read it.Hello everyone!It has been a while since our last newsletter, and we have updates! We want to keep it short though (we know how busy...
ARM & MCC (Migrant Community Center- Lebanon) Fall 2014 newsletter!

قزي خلال إطلاق بحث عن نظام الكفالة: لا مانع من الغاء مكاتب الاستقدام وليتحمل العامل المسؤولية

قزي خلال إطلاق بحث عن نظام الكفالة: لا مانع من الغاء مكاتب الاستقدام وليتحمل العامل المسؤولية June 27, 2014 News How do you say “in severe denial” in arabic?وألقى قزي كلمة أكد فيها “العمل بما يسمح به القانون لكي ينال العامل الاجنبي حقوقه كاملة وان...
Spring 2014 – WORKERS’ DAY

Spring 2014 – WORKERS’ DAY

Spring 2014 – WORKERS’ DAY April 29, 2014 Uncategorized This content is only available in English, please switch the language to be able to read it.For the 4th year in a row, hundreds of migrant workers and activists are taking to the streets of Beirut to...
ARM & MCC (Migrant Community Center- Lebanon) Fall 2014 newsletter!

Our Winter Newsletter!

Our Winter Newsletter! February 24, 2014 News This content is only available in English, please switch the language to be able to read it.Winter is here (supposedly!), and so is our winter newsletter. This edition is mostly about our current and upcoming activities at...