January 25, 2021

التقارير الإخبارية الأسبوعية 2021

Ethiopian workers evacuated. Photo from Egna Legna Besidet

Articles and views shared in the Weekly News Report do not represent ARM’s views. Information in these articles has not been fact-checked by ARM and may contain some errors. ARM is simply compiling all news relevant to migrant communities to inform our advocacy efforts and to facilitate the work of organizations who cater to migrant communities.

Evacuation Updates

Almost 3000 Filipino Workers Evacuated in the Past Year [here]

The embassy of the Philippines published the number of Filipino workers they have successfully evacuated as part of their free mass repatriation program since December 2019. 2828 have been evacuated over the span of one year until December 2020.


Vaccine Registration Application Raises Concerns for Undocumented Migrants and Refugees [here] و [here]

The Ministry of Public Health launched the website for registration to receive the COVID-19 vaccine on January 28, which requires an identification document number. This raised concerns again about whether or not undocumented migrants and refugees will be included in the official vaccination campaign.

More Online Posts Selling Migrant Workers [here]

At least 2 posts were put up offering to sell migrant domestic workers they employ for USD cash on Facebook groups. They were removed and one was reposted on the page of the Cameroonian community.

ARM is looking into a legal pathway to take for accountability beyond blacklisting employers from employing domestic workers in the future.

Report by AUB African Club’s Campaign for Migrant Domestic Workers [here]

An article by University World News reported the activism of the African Club at the American University of Beirut (AUB) to raise awareness on the conditions of migrant domestic workers in Lebanon. The club often organizes awareness campaigns on campus and engages in volunteering programs and activities with migrant communities, and has organized relief initiatives for evacuation after the port explosion.

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