My Shame: A Lebanese in Madagascar

My Shame: A Lebanese in Madagascar

My Shame: A Lebanese in Madagascar January 4, 2012 Uncategorized Beautifully written. Many people we know shared similar accounts while in India or Srilanka or other South Asian countries. Till when?I’d like to share a story that’s not really easy to tell and which...
My Shame: A Lebanese in Madagascar

Lebanon: This is How We Do Modern Day Slavery

Lebanon: This is How We Do Modern Day Slavery January 3, 2012 Uncategorized The amazing Paola.Her name I won’t disclose. Let us just call her G. She told me her story because I asked her, it’s as simple as that. I told her she seemed down, she who is naturally so...
My Shame: A Lebanese in Madagascar

نحاس يرفض وضع قانون خاص بـالخدم: القضية ليست شفقة وجمعيات بل حقوق عامل

نحاس يرفض وضع قانون خاص بـالخدم: القضية ليست شفقة وجمعيات بل حقوق عامل January 24, 2012 News Yesterday, Minsiter Charbel Nahas while attending a round table to discuss the legal procedures to protect migrant domestic workersجاء النقاش الذي شهدته أمس، الطاولة المستديرة...
Racism in Lebanese schools

Racism in Lebanese schools

Racism in Lebanese schools December 23, 2011 Uncategorized Mom: “Why my skin color is black?”You know we are living in a sick society when such questions are being asked by kids and no one is doing anything about it.This content is only available in...