#Qatar: The 2022 World Cup cannot be built on the blood of migrant workers

March 3, 2015

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Article 7 ofaDailyRecord UK

***JIM Murphy accused the SFA of ignoring the plight of World Cup slaves to foster closer ties with football chiefs in Qatar. Last year SFA chief executive Stewart Regan said Fifa’s reputation was tainted by the allegations of bribery and corruption.
But it has been emerged Regan, SFA president Campbell Ogilvie and vice-president Rod Petrie have agreed a partnership with Qatar after a visit there. Qatari FA vice-president Saud Abdulaziz Al Mohannadi said there would be “an enhanced relationship between us in order to improve the football system in both Qatar and Scotland”.

But Amnesty International said the SFA should have considered the “grave human rights abuses and exploitative practices” in Qatar. Scottish Labour leader Murphy travelled to Qatar with the Sunday Mail last year to probe the working conditions of migrants. He said yesterday: “This has been a terrible week for the image of a sport that so many of us love.

“The World Cup looks like being changed into a Christmas contest because of Qatar’s temperatures.

“I understand the worries about the weather but the bigger story is the shamefulmistreatment of workers who are building the World Cup stadiums.

“The SFA should speak out instead of seeming to sidle up to the Qatari football authorities.

“It’s time for everyone who cares about football’s reputation to make clear that the 2022 World Cup shouldn’t be built on the blood of vulnerable migrant workers.”
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