Alem Dechasa’s choice: an impossible decision and a lonely death

Tragic News

Tragic News March 14, 2012 News The Ethiopian woman abused in broad daylight by a Lebanese man last week and caught on amateur video has reportedly committed suicide, according to media reports.Lebanese television network, LBCI, reported the woman, whose identity has...
Crisis- Watch Video

Crisis- Watch Video

Crisis- Watch Video March 9, 2012 Announcements صرلنا من مبارح من لما شفنا هيدا الفيديو وعم نفكر شو الرسالة يلي بدنا نوجهها للعالم يلي حا تقرا تعليقنا وتشوف الفيديو.ومن مبارح باليل لهلق في نقاش إنو منرسل لهجة تهديدية؟ لهجة تحدي؟ تحذير؟ شجب؟ نواح؟ بكاء؟ تنديد؟ عواطف...
Alem Dechasa’s choice: an impossible decision and a lonely death

Ktir Salbe again. MTV again.

Ktir Salbe again. MTV again. February 2, 2012 News Just when you thought things can’t get any low…On Palestinian refugees who have been in a country, which endows them no rights for 64 years + now.This content is only available in English, please switch...