Slavery in Lebanon: S L A V E R Y

Slavery in Lebanon: S L A V E R Y

Slavery in Lebanon: S L A V E R Y April 12, 2011 News Pete Pattison from the Guardian investigates the trafficking of people escaping poverty and conflict in Nepal. Unscrupulous agents take huge sums of money from them for work abroad then consign them to slavery and...
Slavery in Lebanon: S L A V E R Y

العاملات المنزليّات: الكفالة = العبوديّة

العاملات المنزليّات: الكفالة = العبوديّة March 31, 2011 News تعيش العاملات الأجنبيات في الخدمة المنزلية في لبنان ظروفاً مشابهة للاستعباد. هذا ما بيّنته دراستان أطلقتا أمس في الجامعة اللبنانية الأميركية في بيروت. إلينور كانت هناك وشاركت في النقاش «منحب لبنان بس بدنا...
Slavery in Lebanon: S L A V E R Y

The story of Emilie

The story of Emilie March 23, 2011 News Two weeks ago, we received a call from an international number. A desperate Kenyan voice was on the phone. Simon wanted to save his girlfriend Emelie from the hands of the Lebanese employers/ agency she was at. She called him...
Slavery in Lebanon: S L A V E R Y

Dear madame

Dear madame March 9, 2011 News Me bring water. Me bring coffee. Me make bed and make many more.Me feed children. Me wash clothes. Me wake up early. Me make breakfast.Me fold mister underwear.Me have love too. Me no born maid.Madam sleep late. Madam have guest. Madam...