Rita’s Letter

Rita’s Letter

Rita’s Letter December 5, 2014 Uncategorized This content is only available in English, please switch the language to be able to read it.’I feel like a slave, a working machine slave, sleep late, wake up early, you eat, you don’t eat, you sort...
Rita’s Letter

Letter from Rita

Letter from Rita November 17, 2014 Uncategorized This content is only available in English, please switch the language to be able to read it.”sorry to bother you at this hour, i just need to talk to someone before i explode, and my brother will get mad n start...
Rita’s Letter

‘I just appreciated that I was alive’

‘I just appreciated that I was alive’ November 19, 2014 Uncategorized This content is only available in English, please switch the language to be able to read it.So badly did she want to pull her mother, Werkitu Delesa, out of poverty that, at the age of just 16, she...
Rita’s Letter

الاعتداءات على السوريين: الأمن الذاتي في كل مكان

الاعتداءات على السوريين: الأمن الذاتي في كل مكان September 20, 2014 Uncategorized This content is only available in Arabic, please switch the language to be able to read it.Nidal Ayoub- AlModonهذه القصص هي نموذج صغير لحوادث لا تحصى. وإدراجها تحت خانة الأفعال الفرديّة...