هربا من بلالكو

هربا من بلالكو

هربا من بلالكو July 6, 2011 News حاولت عاملة بنغلادشية الانتحار من الطابق الرابع من مبنى سنتر الريحاني في كورنيش المزرعة يوم أمس الجمعة ۱ تموز حوالي الساعة العاشرة صباحاًيلي وصف لما رأيته وسمعته   من مكان عملي على الطابق الخامس من المبنى نفسه ، سمعت ضجيجاً وأصواتاً...
Who was Samoay Wanching Tamang?

Who was Samoay Wanching Tamang?

Who was Samoay Wanching Tamang? March 6, 2011 News Janie Shen writes in Hibr…We will never get the chance to know who Samoay was, but we should continue seeking the reasons behind her death. We should always remain critical and continue investigating these...
Sharjah witnesses 4 suicides in one week

Nepalese dies

Nepalese dies February 26, 2011 Events Today, a Nepalese domestic worker was killed. By herself, by someone else, by the slave like conditions she operates under, “because she is crazy”, we do not know. What we know for a fact is she is dead now.Her name...