Lebanon Is Deporting Locally Born Children of Migrant Workers, Human Rights Groups Say

التقصير الرسمي… يحرم اللاجئين من الدراسة

التقصير الرسمي… يحرم اللاجئين من الدراسة April 20, 2014 News This content is only available in Arabic, please switch the language to be able to read it.Nidal Ayoub-AlModon النظام التربوي مهدد، لا قدرة لنا في المدارس الرسميّة على إستيعاب أعداد الأطفال...
Lebanon Is Deporting Locally Born Children of Migrant Workers, Human Rights Groups Say

Ktir Salbe again. MTV again.

Ktir Salbe again. MTV again. February 2, 2012 News Just when you thought things can’t get any low…On Palestinian refugees who have been in a country, which endows them no rights for 64 years + now.This content is only available in English, please switch...