History of Migrant Domestic Workers’ Community Organizing and Class Struggle in Lebanon


History of Migrant Domestic Workers' Community Organizing and Class Struggle in Lebanon Cover

We dedicate this research to the brave migrant women in Lebanon who are forging beautiful resilient communities in a deeply unjust world. We hope that this inspires further community-building work and greater recognition for the immense labor put into creating resourceful migrant-led community groups and organizations.

This paper historicizes and analyzes the informal community-organizing of migrant domestic workers in Lebanon in addition to providing recommendations and ways forward to support and strengthen their work. This paper is based on research conducted in August and September 2023 with activist migrant domestic workers in Lebanon.

This project aims to present the first historical overview of community organizations and groups formed by migrant domestic workers in Lebanon from 1980 to 2022. Moreover, it analyzes the challenges and opportunities faced by these groups in order to help us understand the current situation and contribute to a stronger labor movement for migrant domestic workers’ rights. 

Read the full research paper below, or click هنا to download the research paper as a PDF document.

دلالات :
Activism,مجتمع,Community-Organizing,لبنان,Migrant Activists,العاملات المنزليات المهاجرات,Migrant Women,عمال مهاجرين, عاملات مهاجرات,research
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