Weekly News Report: June 7-13, 2021

June 7, 2021

Weekly News Reports 2021

Poster of the documentary “Makhdoumin”

Articles and views shared in the Weekly News Report do not necessarily represent ARM’s views. Information in these articles has not been fact-checked by ARM and may contain some errors. ARM is simply compiling all news relevant to migrant communities to inform our advocacy efforts and to facilitate the work of organizations who cater to migrant communities.

Note: An updated list of resources* where you can track updates and developments in Palestine is available at the end of this report. Please feel free to send us more accounts that we can add to the list.

Curfew for Syrian Residents in Nahr Ibrahim [here]

Nahr Ibrahim’s municipality issued a decision to impose a curfew on Syrian and foreign residents on June 7 noting their  “unjustified movement” around town, and referring to public health concerns and fear of more spread of COVID-19 as a result.

More Bangladeshis Evacuated [here]

417 undocumented Baldeshi workers were evacuated on June 8, out of a total of 7,000 who were registered. Many of those evacuated had to resort to borrowing money from their families in Bangladesh in order to pay the 400 USD for the flight ticket.

Documentary on Domestic Work [here]

“Makhdoumin”, a documentary on domestic work directed by Maher Abi Samra,  will be available online for free live streaming  from June 10 – June 16. The film was coupled with the launch of a website containing comprehensive information of the job market of domestic work and the research conducted for the making of the film.

Upcoming Play on Kafala [here]

New play “The Black Hole – الثقب الأسود” will be performed this week in Beirut on the Kafala system and the complicity of Lebanese citizens in the ongoing systemic injustice. The play is written and directed by Hashem Adnan, and will be performed by several migrant domestic workers.

*Resources for instant updates and news on Palestine:

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